background image

" C L I C K Y "   I N T E R FA C E   A N D


QUARK lights have a "clicky" user 
interface – the light is controlled by 
clicking or pressing the tail cap switch to 
turn the light on or off. 

A light “press” on the switch activates 
the light in momentary mode. A full 

“click” latches  the light on or off. 

M O D E S   A N D   M E M O R Y

When the light is on, change modes with 
a quick off/on cycle (less than 1 second). 

Mode memory is a “hybrid” type that 
remembers the last setting, but reverts 
to mode 1 of the current configuration 
on the next mode change. 

U S E R   P R O G R A M M I N G

The QUARK has six user selectable 
configurations. Enter the configuration 
menu by cycling the light 10 times in 
less than 3 seconds. Use a momentary 

“press” (not a “click”) when entering 

configuration mode. The light blinks a 
number of times equal to the  configura-
tion number selected. Cycling the 
button one time changes to the next 
configuration. Leaving the light off for 5 
seconds saves the current configuration 
to memory. 

Q UA R K   Q K A / 2 A   M K I I I  



(1) High + Burst
(2) Max / Strobe
(3) Medium / High + Burst
(4) Low / Medium / High + Burst
(5) High / Medium / Low + Burst
(6) L/M/H/Strobe/SOS/ Burst

Please Note: Configuration 2 does not 
have Burst mode because the default 
output is already 100%. 

M O D E S :   Q K A   ( Q K 2 A )

Low (Moonlight) = 1.5 Lumens
Medium = 40 (80) Lumens
High = 150 (300) Lumens
Max = 250 (500) Lumens
Burst = 250 (500) Lumens
SOS = International Distress Signal 
Strobe = 250 (500) Lumens @ 20Hz
Beacon = 2 blinks every 5 seconds

B U R ST   M O D E   ( 1 0 0 %   O U T P U T )

Typically 100% output is not needed. 
Burst mode is a battery saving feature.  
If you do need full output, activate burst 
mode with two very quick cycles  (‹.25 
seconds). Burst mode has no memory, 
so the light will return to the last saved 

The light maintains Burst Mode for 30 
seconds and then ramps down to High 
mode over the next 30 seconds to 
prevent over heating.  

L O W   B AT T E R Y   WA R N I N G

The driver does not have a built in low 
battery warning. If the light dims, fails to 
activate, or begins to blink, the battery 
needs to be replaced/recharged.

Best practice is to replace/recharge 
the battery before it is completely 
empty. Modern rechargeable batteries 
will last longer if you recharge them 
before they are fully depleted. 

Blinking is caused by the light powering 
on/off and may cause the light to 
accidentally enter the configuration 
menu and change the saved program.  


The battery should be installed with the 
(+) terminal facing the head. NEVER 
install batteries backwards.


The best battery to use is the  NiMH 
rechargeable provided with your 
flashlight. To purchase batteries and 
chargers, please visit the link at the 
bottom of the next page.

Alkaline batteries will power QUARK 
lights, however they release corrosive 
gas during discharge, are prone to 
leaking, and will eventually destroy the 
