Devices are shipped in “sleep” mode to not consume any internal battery before activated.
Once activated, the device will utilize internal battery until it is connected to the asset battery.
The asset battery allows for the most continuous connectivity and most up-to-date tracking.
However, when the asset battery is disconnected – for instance during winterization or off-
season storage – the device will continue operate off its internal battery ensuring no lapse in
service or tracking.
Version 1.2 03/2022
When determining where to install the Radian M2 device on a boat consider the following recommendations:
1. Mount the M2 device on the deck or side of the hull in either the midship (best), bow (good), or transom (good).
These areas ensure optimal G Force readings and will collect the most accurate data collection.
2. Ensure proximity to the boat battery (Installation kit includes a 8 ft cord and optional 10 ft extender)
3. Do not mount the M2 device directly underneath any metal—leave at least 24” between the top of the device and
any metal above it. Mounting the bottom of the device against metal is not an issue.
4. Ensure the M2 device is out-of-the-way and hidden. Avoid mounting the device in any area where the device
could be stepped on, bumped, or hit.
Download the
IQ+ app from your phone or tablet’s app store.
Authorized email address must be used to login.
1. Scan barcode or enter the device IMEI
number (15 digit number located on the
front of device)
2. Locate the boat VIN number. Scan
barcode or enter VIN number.
3. Boat details will populate and the
device is now paired to the boat.
Remove the yellow tab on the
device to activate it.
Before activating the Radian device for the first time, it is important to be
outside in an area with clear
view of the sky, away from buildings, rooftops, and large trees. This will assure a direct acquisition of positioning
satellites to establish a current location.
Once the device is activated there is no off button.
The device will arrive with with three additional IMEI number stickers. Be sure to place these with other
important boat documents so they are easily located by the boat owner.