AC7000M Limit Switch Replacement
If your unit is equipped with a safety pan follow procedure 1. If your treadmill
has a solid motor plate that extends all the way to the front of the unit, go
directly to procedure 2.
Procedure 1
1. Elevate the treadmill to 15% grade. Disconnect power by unplugging the
treadmill power cord from wall socket.
2. Using a ½” socket, remove bolts holding safety pan (A1446) on the bottom
of the elevation assembly.
3. Disconnect wires running to each limit switch (P1260).
4. On the backside of the bracket that the limit switches mount to, remove
the two (2) nuts holding the limit switches in place. Remove switches.
5. Re-attach wires in the same order on the new limit switches.
6. Replace the new limit switches through the same two (2) holes that the
other ones were removed from. Make sure the two (2) legs on the limit
switches clear the elevation rack (A1508).
7. Replace the two (2) 4-40 machine nuts on the backside of the bracket.
8. Install the bolts back in the bottom of the safety pan.
9. Calibrate the elevation using the Elevation Calibration procedure
explained in the Club Mode for your version of software.