WooferMonitor 1.0 Loudspeaker Manual
Congratulations. You have invested in the finest speaker value on planet Earth. The
subwoofer system you have purchased is the result of no less than 22 distinct iterations of
design and implementation prototypes evolved through empirical measurement and critical
speakers will give you many years of musical pleasure if they are used
prudently with a healthy jug o’ good ol’ common sense.
loudspeakers are finely tuned precision instruments. Every single aspect of
the design and execution of the loudspeaker is the result of a vast amount of research,
execution, measurement and listening. Not a single detail has been left to chance. Please see
our website if you would like to explore the technical details of our loudspeakers.
Many well known brands of loudspeakers use parts that are a tiny, tiny cost of the retail price
of the speaker. We’re talking all the parts combined costing under 1 % of what the speaker
sells for. This is done, obviously, purely for profit. It also gives the speaker manufacturer
some cushion. If a movie/music lover abuses their speakers (whether because of carelessness
or not knowing better) and parts need replacing, it costs the speaker manufacturer virtually
nothing to replace the parts. They often also charge a handling fee in addition to shipping on
the parts. That handling fee usually more than pays for the parts. So it isn’t a big deal to a lot
of speaker manufacturers if every one of their speakers has a warranty claim or 2 or 3 or 4
or… during the warranty period. What’s a buck or two when your profit margin is way over
2000% ! ! ! And they are most likely making a profit again on the handling fee. Covering
abuse for free can make them look like heroes. Who cares if they are replacing garbage, cheap
parts with garbage, cheap parts.
is very, very different. We pride ourselves in offering by far the highest value in
our industry. We use extremely high quality drivers that are much higher quality than anyone
even remotely near our price range. We operate on a profit margin percentage that is much
lower than our competition. When you couple that with our industry leading innovation, that
is why we can offer such a high quality product for several times less than our leading
competitors. So rather than load our speakers with garbage and look like heroes when the
movie/music lover abuses the speaker and gets “free” warranty service, we would prefer to
offer a very high value and inform the movie/music lover about loudspeaker abuse.
The Following 4 Paragraphs are
The Most Important Part
of the Manual
Distortion is
. You can hear if something is not right with your
loudspeakers. Although some speakers are damaged by putting too much power through
them, most speakers are damaged by a different means. This different means is commonly
referred to as “clipping”. The amp cannot properly reproduce power at a certain level of
output and it starts clipping the waveform. Amplifiers that are pushed beyond their designed
wattage into clipping, go from low distortion to ultrahigh distortion. This first damages and
then burns out the tweeters. Then it does the same to the primary drivers, woofers and
crossovers. Over 90% of all speaker damage is caused by this distortion.
subwoofer is of such a high caliber that you can instantly hear if something
is not right with the sound coming from your subwoofer. You can keep turning up the volume