Congratulations on your purchase of a SILVA LaserMaster™!
LaserMaster™ is the perfect aid for creating or fi nding
boundaries/lines in the terrain.
LaserMaster™ works equally well in the woods as in open
terrain and provides exact bearings thanks to the laser unit
indicating where in the terrain the selected bearing runs.
NOTE: LaserMaster™ contains a laser unit. Improper use can
lead to injury! Thoroughly read the safety guidelines at the
end of this manual.
LaserMaster™ consists of a precision-aiming compass
combined with a precision alignment laser unit that generates
a red dot in the line-of-sight path. Accompanying equipment
includes a course protractor for exact determination of the
boundary bearing on the property/inventory map as well as a
refl ective vest that not only effectively refl ects the laser dot
while the bearer walks off the boundaries but also makes use
possible in strong daylight/sunlight.
LaserMaster™ is primarily intended for use by two persons,
where the front person wears the refl ective vest and is
guided by the person sighting with LaserMaster™ in the
direction of the boundary. This allows the front person to
concentrate on such tasks as fi nding boundary stones while
walking in the precise direction. The rear person concentrates
on guiding the front person with the help of the laser dot on
the large refl ective surface of the vest. The method is simple,
quick and highly effective!
Instrument usage
LaserMaster™ should be held horizontal when used. When using the sight for aiming, it is often simplest to use both eyes (one
eye looking through the sight, the other looking along the side of the instrument, see Fig. 1) to easily see the laser dot while
reading off the correct setting on the compass scale. Some people have a problem with diffraction that may make the laser dot
appear to move in relation to the guideline in the sight when using both eyes. If this is the case, use only one eye when aiming.
Position the instrument so that you can read the compass heading on the scale while viewing the laser dot above the instrument
NOTE: The built-in compass of the LaserMaster™ is affected by magnetic objects. For the best possible accuracy, remember to
keep helmets, weapons, metallic eyeglass frames and the like away from the vicinity of the instrument when it is in use.
Fig. 1
Precision compass capsule
Optical aiming system
Index line for
direct reading
Laser unit for accurate bearing
demarcation in terrain
aluminium housing
Battery compartment for 3
SR44 batteries (included)
On/Off button
for laser unit