Solwise Ltd,
How to Pair Two Patriot 2Hs to use WDS Access Point and WDS Repeater
This guide will explain how to bridge a connection between two Patriot 2Hs, however due to a limitation of
the firmware, this can only be achieved with an unsecured link, so there is a security consideration to be
Step 1: Connect and power up the first unit, open a web browser and type in the default IP address of the
Patriot 2H ( and type in the credentials when prompted (default username
– admin / password
– admin).
The below page will then appear, and by default the `Operation M
ode’ should be `AP Bridge’ mode, if that is
not the case, then it can be changed via Advanced / Operating Modes and change to AP Bridge.
Step 2: Next navigate to Advanced / Wireless Settings / Basic and set the `Wireless Mode’ to `WDS Access
Point’, change the `Network Name (SSID)’ if required and click `Apply’ once done.
The first unit is now configured so unplug the cable from the LAN port on the POE injector.