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September 13, 2019
Spectra Geospatial Distributor Confidential
Spectra ST10
Installing Windows 10 v1809
Caution: Installing this operating system image will erase all software installed on the device,
and all data stored on the internal storage on the device.
To install the image of Windows
10 version 1809 on a Spectra
ST10 Tablet, the following
equipment is needed:
AC adapter with power cord
USB Hub and USB keyboard or Spectra ST10 Keyboard
USB flash drive (note: using a USB 3.1 flash drive will speed up the update process)
First, you must build an image installation USB flash drive then use it to install the image.
1. Prepare the USB flash drive. Make sure that:
a. The memory capacity is at least 11 GB.
b. It is FAT32 formatted; right-click the USB Drive name in the File Explorer and
click Format. The File system should be set to FAT32