SpyCentre Security® Since 1993
6810 - 1080P Hidden Button Camera
How to charge the battery:
● Connect the recorder to a PC or USB power supply with the provided USB cable
● It takes 2 hours to charge fully
How to record a video file:
● Tap the on and off button, and the device will vibrate once. A red light will turn on,
indicating the device is in standby mode
Note: Wait 10 seconds for the device to be ready
● Press and hold the record switch button for 2 seconds
● The device will vibrate twice, and a red light will flash and disappear, indicating a video
recording has begun
● To stop the recording, Tap the on and off button, the device will vibrate three times, and
the red light will flash three times before returning to a solid red, indicating the file has
been saved, and the device is back to standby mode
● To turn off the device, press and hold the on and off button; the device will vibrate twice,
and the red light will blink two times and disappear, indicating the device is off
Note: If the device is in standby mode and no action is taken the device will power itself
off after 3 minutes. If the device runs out of power during the recording, it will finalize and
save the file before the battery dies.