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you are the proud new owner of a GIGA PET, the take-it-

anywhere interactive pet! your new giga pet is going to need lots 

of attention to grow up healthy and happy. the healthier and happier 

your pet is, the higher your score will be! these instructions will 

help you along your way.


when you turn the game on, the first thing you should do is to 

set the clock on your giga pet to mark this joyous occasion!


1) when you first turn the game on, you will be in CLOCK 

MODE, ready to set the hour.

2) set the current time. press LEFT/RIGHT to adjust the hour. 

when the correct hour is set, press ENTER. 

3) press LEFT/RIGHT to adjust the minutes. when the correct 

minutes are set, press ENTER. 

4) the clock is now set. now you can name your new pet!


now that your pet has a birthday, it's time to give it a name!

1) press LEFT and RIGHT to search through the alphabet.

2) press ENTER to select a letter and move to the next space in 

the pet's name. you may use up to 12 letters.

3) press ENTER twice to accept the current name and return to 


1) press MODE to switch from game mode to CLOCK mode.

2) in CLOCK mode, press right/left to select keytone on/off.

3) press ENTER if you wish to adjust the time 

(the clock will flash).

4) after you set the time, your pet's name will be displayed.

5) press ENTER if you wish to change your pet's name.

6) press MODE to return to GAME MODE.


the game screen is your pet's "home." you will see the pet move 

around the screen and go about his daily routine, just like a real 


press the LEFT/RIGHT keys to light up the ICONS around 

the outside of the screen. these icons represent all the different 

activities that allow you to interact with your pet.


just like a real pet, your giga pet needs you to grow up happy 

and healthy. at various times, your pet will require a certain kind 

of attention from you. the unit will BEEP and the ALERT icon 

will light up.

now you've got to figure out what your pet needs! if your pet 

is hungry, feed it. if your pet is lonely, play with it. if your pet 

is dirty, give it a bath! there are many different ways for you to 

interact with your pet. the trick is to figure out what your pet 

needs from you! use the LEFT/RIGHT keys to move to the activity 

you want, and press enter. here are the activities:


when you select this activity, you will be 

given a choice of foods for your pet. use 

LEFT or RIGHT key to toggle between 

healthy food and treats. press enter to feed. 

your pet needs healthy food to grow, and 

treats to stay happy.


select this icon to turn the light out when 

your pet wants to sleep, or to turn it back 

on when your pet is awake. your pet will 

be happier if you turn out the light for it 

when it needs to sleep.


to keep your pet healthy and happy, you 

should play with it often. when you select 

this activity, you and your pet play a game 

of skill and dexterity. an object will appear 

for your pet to play with. press the LEFT 

or RIGHT key to make your pet react 

to the left or right. if you press the correct 

key at the correct time, you will see your 

pet perform some amazing tricks!


just like a real pet, your giga pet will 

sometimes get sick. select this activity to 

take your pet to the doctor.


sometimes your pet will leave droppings, and 

you must clean them up. if there are droppings 

on the screen, select CLEANING to clear 

them away. if there are no droppings on the 

screen, you can select this activity to give 

your pet a thorough, all-over cleaning. if 

you want your giga pet to stay healthy, don't 

leave droppings lying on the screen, and don't 

let your pet walk around dirty.


choose this icon to check on your pet's 

progress. use the LEFT/RIGHT keys to display screens showing 

your pets AGE, WEIGHT, HEALTH    , HAPPINESS     , 


HEALTH and HAPPINESS range from 0 (bad) to 100 (good) and 

help you determine what your pet needs. if HEALTH or HAPPINESS 

falls below 20, you should take care of your pet right away. the 

final statistic, SCORE, is an indication of how well you are doing. 

the higher your score, the better you are doing. your score should 

grow as your pet grows.


your pet can do all sorts of interesting 

things. if you see your pet do something 

interesting, you should encourage it to repeat 

this activity. select the TRAINING icon 

and the word REWARD will appear on 

the screen. press ENTER again to reward 

your pet. you should reward your pet often 

if you want to train it properly.

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