Figure 1: Shooting board components.
Shooting Fence
Set Screws
Shooting Track
Shooting Board
Figure 2: Adjusting the track.
Shooting Plane
Pan-Head Screws
Adjusting Set Screws
Shooting Board
The Veritas
Shooting Board comes fully assembled; however, it is necessary to adjust
the parts to fi t your shooting plane and to set the fence for accurate cuts. As you use
the shooting board, it may be necessary to periodically repeat these steps to maintain
accurate results.
Adjusting the Track
The fi rst step is to set the track to fi t your shooting plane. Loosen the pan-head screws
that hold the rail in place. Back the adjusting set screws off so that your plane can fi t
in the track. To set a small amount of clearance, place a piece of paper between the
rail and the plane and adjust the set screws until the shooting plane is suitably captured
in the track base, but can still move freely along it. Tighten the pan-head screws and
remove the paper.