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The Mobile Scanning Solution!

Perfect for the Office, On the Road or at Home!


he fastest way to visually organize photos scanned

and electronic documents. Provides thumbnails for
popular electronic files with built-in viewers for PDF,
Word, Excel, and Word Perfect.

Quickly turns scanned documents into editable,
formatted text. You can use the text in virtually
any word processing, desktop publishing, or web
publishing program.

Edit, retouch, and enhance images simply and quickly.
Apply special effects with point-n-click interface.
Numerous templates for cards and calendars are


Loaded with award-winning


Fits in a briefcase or laptop bag! 


Powered by USB port! 

The Strobe XP 100 is the perfect companion for the
mobile executive. Compact enough to fit neatly on
your desk and pack easily alongside your laptop or
in your briefcase. Portable enough to take anywhere
because it's powered through the USB cable.
Powerful enough to scan and organize all of your
documents, photos, articles, brochures and business
cards. Whether you're in the office or on the road,
the Strobe XP 100 will lighten your load.

Strobe XP 100 is tightly integrated with ScanSoft
PaperPort Deluxe making it easy to organize your
life and work. Now you can scan and file all of your
documents and photographs electronically right
alongside your electronic documents from Microsoft
Office, PDF files from Adobe Acrobat and image
files from numerous other applications.

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