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Instruction Manual 

Weather Station 

WEA 27 


Thank you for purchasing this elegant 
weather station. Its accurate mechanism 
allows you to monitor air temperature, 
relative humidity atmospheric pressure 
and to forecast the weather. 


The weather station is carefully calibrated 
in-factory before delivery. However, 
vibrations during delivery may slightly 
displace the pointers. Therefore, 
calibration before use is recommended to 
give the most accurate readings possible. 
Reference readings can be obtained from 
local weather reports or websites. 
Thermometer and Hygrometer: Insert a 
flathead screwdriver through the hole at 
the back into the small slot. Turn carefully 
until it gives the correct reading. 
Barometer: Check the current atmospheric 
pressure from the local weather report. If 
you are near sea-level, the reading from 
the weather report should be the same as 
the reading shown on the barometer. If 
you are higher than sea-level or in a high-
rise building, establish the height above 
sea-level of your current location in metres 
and divide this figure by 8. Your 
barometer’s reading should be the reading 
from the weather report minus the 

resulting value. If the reading is different, 
calibrate by inserting a small flathead 
screwdriver through the hole at the back 
and into the small screw. Turn carefully 
until the correct reading is set. 



The weather station is designed for indoor 
and outdoor use. Find a location on the 
wall where you can clearly read the 
readings and ideally away from direct heat 
and sunshine. Mount the weather station 
on the wall with the screws provided. This 
weather station works purely on 
mechanical movements and does not 
require batteries. 





The thermometer gives temperature 
readings in degrees Celsius (°C). 
The comfort temperature is around 18-


The hygrometer gives the relative humidity 
readings in percentage (%). This 
measures the percentage of moisture 
saturation in the air. The comfort relative 
humidity is around 50% to 70%. Lower 
readings mean that the air is dry and high 
readings mean the air is wet and hold 
more water. 


This barometer measures the change in 
air (atmospheric) pressure and shows the 
air pressure in hecto-Pascal (hPa). Higher 
readings means higher air pressure. The 

daily air pressure at sea level can be 
checked from local weather reports. 
Air pressure depends on the season, 
weather and altitude. Good weather gives 
higher air pressure and higher altitude has 
lower air pressure. 
By marking the present air pressure using 
the adjustable pointer and then checking 
the air pressure 2 hours later you can 
predict the weather. A quick rise in air 
pressure means the weather will improve 
with sunny skies. 
A drop in air pressure indicates the 
weather will turn cloudy, rain or even 


Do not subject the weather station to 
extreme conditions; shock, extreme 
temperatures, scratches….etc. 
Check, calibrate and clean the weather 
station annually. Use only a damp cloth 
and mild detergent to wipe and clean the 
weather station. Wipe dry thoroughly 
