Crossing Gate Contents:
Crossing Signal Contents:
WigWag Signal Contents:
(1) DZ-1010 Crossing Gate w/sound (1) DZ-1020 Crossing Signal w/sound (1) DZ-1030 WigWag Signal w/sound
(1) DZ-1012 Crossing Gate no sound (1) DZ-1022 Crossing Signal no sound (1) DZ-1032 WigWag Signal no sound
ALL include:
(2) DZ-1011 Block Signal Detectors
Mounting screws for gates or signals & detectors and (5) Twist-on connectors
The Z-Stuff for Trains crossing gates, crossing
signals and wigwags are unique, scale size
crossing devices that include optical, infrared
detection of passing trains to operate them. A
digitally recorded crossing bell sound is also
included. They do not require any connection to
the track; however, they can be used with
simple isolated rail control if desired. Each unit’s
control electronics has one HOLD input and two
TRIGGER inputs. As long as the HOLD input is
connected to COMMON the gates will stay
down or continue to operate. Connecting a
TRIGGER input to connect causes the signals
to operate but they will stop after about 6
seconds unless a train enters the crossing. Up to (4) tracks may be
accommodated at a crossing, although additional block signal detectors would
be required.
DZ-1010/1020/1030 Set
Crossing Gates / Signals / WigWags
With (2) DZ-1011 Block Signal Detectors
Rev 8-8-03