Exercise 1, Part 2: Analyzing Performance and Memory
Hierarchy Impact
Getting Started with ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite
The Blackfin processor has a memory hierarchy with a small amount of
internal SRAM (L1) flexible in its configuration. You can configure the
SRAM as a cache for slower external SDRAM or as “straight” memory for
completely optimal, zero latency, access speed. The fact is, the
program currently is running under somewhat artificial
“worse case” conditions. The program’s code has been placed into external
SDRAM, while internal memory of the Blackfin processor remains com-
pletely unused.
The next steps demonstrate how the proper utilization of the memory
hierarchy of the Blackfin processor can improve dramatically the program
performance. The “easiest” way to improve the performance is to enable
the instruction cache
of the Blackfin processor.
Figure 1-7. Statistical Profiling: Initial Results
The Blackfin processor also has a data cache, but its discussion is beyond this exercise. Refer to the
ADSP-BF537 Blackfin Processor Hardware Reference
for more information.