Figure 4-6. Device Selection for Debugging
The Atmel ATA8510 device uses the debugWire interface for the debug connection (described in the user
manual [9]). This connection uses the reset line on pin PC0 of the device and must be enabled within ISP
programming mode. If debugWire mode is enabled, the ISP mode is not available and vice versa. Select
“Disable debugWire connection” within the “Debug” menu to return to ISP mode. The 6-pin ISP connector
is used as a connection to the debugger and it is recommended to connect only the V
, GND and reset
signal when debugging, leaving the SPI signals open for the application. This is important because the
TWI driver software uses the PB1 pin as an SCL line shared with the ISP and SPI peripheral. Additional
information on how to perform development and debugging with the Atmel ATA8510 device is provided in
[6] and [8]. This application note describes development for the Atmel ATA5831 device which, in terms of
Flash development, is similar to the Atmel ATA8510 device.
Re-programming of the Devices
The tool pack [10] includes the original programming files to re-program all devices in the kit.
For re-programming of the SAMD20 device select the device ATSAMD20J18 in the device
programming tool of Atmel
Studio 6 and the file SAMD20_Flash.hex for the flash memory.
For re-programming of the Atmel ATA8515 device on the XplainedPRO ATA8510/15 extension
board disconnect the board and apply an external 3V power supply to the connector X7. Connect
pin 5 of connector X3 to GND (to prevent the device from entering the OFF mode) and select the
device ATA5833 in the device programming tool and ensure that the ISP clock is set < 64kHz.
Select the file Base_Station_EEPROM.hex for the EEPROM memory. For the fuse settings the
fuses SPIEN and EESAVE should be set.
For re-programming of the Atmel ATA8510 device of the remote sensor attach the mini-ISP
connector to the connector ISP and the debug tool and insert the CR2032 battery or apply an
external 3V power supply to the mini ISP connector. Remove the CMM1923 rtc module and
connect pin VCC to PB4 on connector X1 (to prevent the device from entering the OFF mode).
Select the device ATA5831 in the device programming tool and ensure that the ISP clock is set <
64kHz. Select the file Remote_Sensor_Flash.hex for the flash memory and the file
Remote_Sensor_EEPROM.hex for the EEPROM memory. For the fuse settings the fuses SPIEN
and EESAVE should be set.
Atmel User Guide for the Evaluation Kit ATA8510-EK1 [APPLICATION NOTE]
Atmel-9343D-ATAN0046_Application Note-09/2016