LED Behavior for the Nodes
Nodes do not sample inputs until they are communicating with the Gateway. The radios and antennas must be a minimum distance
apart to function properly. Recommended minimum distances are:
900 MHz 150 mW and 250 mW radios: 6 feet
900 MHz 1 Watt radios: 15 feet
2.4 GHz 65 mW radios: 1 foot
Node Status
Flashing green
Radio Link Ok
Flashing red
Flashing red
Device Error
Flashing red, 1 per 3 sec
No Radio Link
Sure Cross
User Configuration Software
The User Configuration Software offers an easy way to link I/O points in your wireless network, view I/O register values, and set
system communication parameters when a host system is not part of the wireless network. The software runs on any computer
with the Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 operating system.
Use a USB to RS-485 adapter cable to connect a standalone DX80 Gateway to the
computer. For DXM Controllers with an internal DX80 radio, connect a computer to the
DXM Controller using a USB or Ethernet connection. Download the most recent revisions
of the configuration software from Banner Engineering's website:
The USB to RS-485 adapter cable is not required for the DXM Controller. For standalone
DX80 Gateway devices use:
USB to RS-485 adapter cable model BWA-UCT-900 for 1 Watt radios
USB to RS-485 adapter cable model BWA-HW-006 for all other radios
Clearing the Event Counter
When using a host-controlled system, clear the counter by sending a control message on Node register 15. Control messages on
Node register 15 are acknowledged with the same value echoed to Node register 7.
1. Write 5121 (0x1401) to clear counter 1.
2. Write 5122 (0x1402) to clear counter 2.
3. Write 5123 (0x1403) to clear counters 1 and 2.
When you are not using a host-controlled system, a transition from 0 to 1 on the Node's output registers is needed to clear the
counter. Use this method on Gateway IO mapping to map inputs, such as a push button, to clear counter values.
1. Write output register 13 from 0 to 1 to clear counter 1.
2. Write output register 14 from 0 to 1 to clear counter 2.
Event Counter Presets from a Host-Controlled System
The event counter input can be preset from a host system using Advanced Control Messages. From the host system, each device
has allocated Node registers 7, 15, and 16 that send preset data to the event counter. When power is applied to the Node, the
counter value is reset to the last saved value. Setting the counter using the preset or clear functions saves the preset value or
The event counter input is a 32-bit value that can be preset using the parameter control codes 143 (0x8F) and 144 (0x90).
Parameter control code 143 writes the lower half [15:0] of the counter and code 144 writes the upper half [31:16] of the counter.
Defining the Counter Select Mask using the second bit position selects the counter. Set Modbus register 16 to the high or low data
value. Read Modbus register 7 for the transfer acknowledgment.
Node Reg 15
143 or 144 (0x8F or 0x90)
Counter Select Mask
Node Reg 16
Low or High Value
Node Reg 7
Acknowledge Code 143 or 144
Acknowledge Counter Select Mask
Preset the Counter to 20,567,001
To preset the counter to the value 20,567,001 (hex 0139 D3D9), follow these steps:
1. Write the upper word to the counter using control code 144 (0x90).
Node Reg 15
Node Reg 16
Node Reg 7
Sure Cross
Performance Universal Counter P16E Node
P/N 199134 Rev. D
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767