A927ZET Technical Information Manual
User Memory
USER Memory bank contains:
NoS: Number of available on board sensors.
SAM entries for each sensor. Each SAM entry contains the pointer to the beginning of the allocated memory
and memory range for that specific sensor.
Sensors memory mapped registers for Sensor descriptions. This section stores sensor identification, sensor
resolution, correction data, and measurement range:
Temperature Sensor Characteristics (int)
Temperature Sensor Characteristics (ext)
Battery Sensor Characteristics
Sensor memory mapped register for Sensor operation:
Temperature Sensor Configuration (int)
Temperature Sensor Configuration (ext)
Battery Sensor Configuration
Sensor memory data record composed of time-stamps (if time-stamp storage is enabled) and sensor value:
Temperature data logging area (int) (4096 words)
Temperature data logging area (ext) (4096 words)
Battery data logging area (256 words)