18–Running User Diagnostics in DOS
Performing Diagnostics
83840-546-00 N
uediag -log <logfile>
Logs the tests results to a specified log file
uediag -mba <1/0>
Enables or disables Multiple Boot Agent (MBA) protocol
1 = Enable
0 = Disable
uediag -mbap <n>
Sets the MBA boot protocol
0 = PXE
1 = RPL
3 = iSCSI_Boot
4 = FCoE_Boot
7 = None
uediag -mbav <1/0>
Enables or disables MBA VLAN
1 = Enable
0 = Disable
uediag -mbavval <n>
Sets MBA VLAN (<65536)
uediag -mfw <1/0>
Enables or disables management firmware
1 = Enable
0 = Disable
uediag -t <groups/tests>
Disables specific groups or tests
uediag -T <groups/tests>
Enables specific groups or tests
uediag -ver
Displays the version of Cavium 8400/3400 Series User Diagnostics
(uediag) and all installed adapters
Table 18-1. uediag Command Options (Continued)
Command Options