The 53A-570 Card is programmed by ASCII characters issued from the system controller to the
53/63 Series system communications card. The 53A-570 Card interfaces to the communications
card through the 53 Series or 63 Series Card Cage's backplane.
When the 53/63 Series System powers up, the 53A-570 Card is unaddressed (power LED lit),
and both channels are at 0 °.
To address a function card for the first time, the system command @ X Y must be issued. X
is the card cage address (0-9) selected on the 53A-171 Control Card in the addressed card cage;
Y is the 53A-570 Card's address (0-9) within the addressed card cage. The 53A-570 Card's
address is selected using the card's Address-select switch. Once a function card is addressed,
it remains addressed u n t i l the system receives another @ character. A p p e n d i x A f u l l y
discusses the @XY command and the other 53/63 Series System commands. A f t e r the 53A-570
Card is addressed, the commands listed below may be issued until another function card is
Card Commands
The 53A-570 Card commands are as follows:
This command sets channel A to the output value specified by "Z",
where z represents a one to six digit decimal number in the range
0 to 999999. W i t h the period, this number represents a fraction
of 360 °. I f z is not specified, the output value defaults to zero.
This command sets channel B to the output value specified by "Z",
where z represents a one to six digit decimal number in the range
0 to 999999. Wi t h the period, this number represents a fraction
of 360 °. I f z is not specified, the output value defaults to zero.
If less t h a n s i x digits a r e sent a f t e r t h e period, t h e digits a r e interpreted a s t h e
most-significant digits of the fraction of 360 °.
Below are examples of these commands:
Sets channel A t o 152.28 ° ( 3 6 0 ° x .423), a n d channel B t o
354.6435 °. T h e 53A-570 Card address is mainframe 0 , card
address 5. T h e Power LED is out.
Sets channel A to 0 °. N o new @XY command is detected by the
system. I f this command directly follows the previous example,
the 53A-570 Card in mainframe 0, with address 5 is still addressed
and processes the .A command. T h e Power LED is out.
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