The transport layer is different - instead of RS-422, Ethernet is used. Physical layer is
Ethernet 100BASE-T. Transport layer is TCP/IP.
PC application should open TCP connection to port 9000 and IP address of SE2850.
PC application when acts as "Master" and SE28500 as "Slave" for the logical layer
described in the document above.
Here is the suggestion from protocol writer.
For remote control following instructions are used: - simulate key press - simulate T-bar movement - indication request - device status request
Other instructions can be ignored.
When Master is idle, it should repeatedly send "device status request" instruction to
Slave to ensure that the link is working. Such instructions should be repeated at least
every 500 msec. When control link is established, SE2850 OSD would display steady
"PC Control" message.
SERemote GUI application is using this protocol. Suggest that developers try
SERemote and capture/analyze Ethernet traffic with Wireshark to better grasp the
inner workings.