USB programming adapter for AVR-ISP, AVR-UPDI, STM32, LPC, ESP8266, ESP32
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– derived from the originally Latin term “to examine”. EXA-PROG has
a built-in function to self-check all signals on the programming lines with the asso-
ciated Exa-Tool.
EXA-PROG stands for the new generation of ISP programmers that are not just
limited to a certain microcontroller type but support several different controller ar-
chitectures and programming interfaces.
These Microcontrollers Can Be Programmed with EXA-PROG:
ATMEL/microchip AVR, MegaAVR, TinyAVR controller with ISP interface (MISO, MOSI, SCK, RESET) or alterna-
tively (PDI, PDO, SCK, RESET).
ATMEL/microchip TinyAVR, AVR-DA controller with UPDI interface. With high-voltage function for controllers with
deactivated UPDI pin.
STM32 32 bit ARM-Cortex-M controller that has an internal UART bootloader.
NXP LPC 32 bit ARM-Cortex-M controller that has an internal UART bootloader.
ESP8266, ESP32, ESP32-S2 controllers and modules via the internal UART bootloader.
Select functions via the DIP switch.
Signal level switchable.
Integrated high-voltage generator for UPDI programming.
Automatic bit rate adjustment in the AVR ISP mode
Clock generator for AVR controller with wrong fused oscillator.
Button for reset of the connected microcontroller.
10 pin standard ISP port. Optional equipment: 10-pin to 6-pin adapter, ESP01 adapter.
Mini USB port for power supply and connection to PC.
Firmware updateable via USB.
Windows PC tool for testing the signal levels at the programming port.
Techncal Data:
Current consumption without connected microcontroller: approx. 30mA
Signal level at programming connector: 5V (USB level) or 3.3V
Power supply for external circuit: max. 300mA (3.3V), max. 500mA (5V)
UPDI high voltage: approx. 12.3V
Case size approx. 55 x 40 x 10mm, weight approx. 25g
Supported Software:
AVR/Microchip Studio v7.x or higher (only AVR-ISP: STK500).
AVRDUDE v6.3 or higher (AVR-ISP: STK500, AVR-UPDI: jtag2updi).
Development environments that are based on AVRDUDE as a programming interface, e.g. Arduino, Bascom.
ESPTOOL (esptool.py, esptool.exe) and all programs that use ESPTOOL as a programming interface.
Notice: In the current firmware version EXA-PROG cannot be used for programming AVR controllers with a UPDI interface
with ATMEL/MICROCHIP Studio. However, you can use the Studio as an editor and compiler. The HEX files that are
created need to be transferred externally via AVRDUDE to the microcontroller. You can find out how this works in a link at
the end of this guide.