DICOM Clients
Move Client (Store Client)
The MoveClient name is misleading as it actually performs the StoreSCU (the DICOM push or
‘C-STORE’) feature of the gateway using the MoveClient class (study-based) which then uses the
appropriate store client class (image-based) for pushing images. Files that are downloaded by
the Download component are transcoded, if necessary and configured, and then DICOM pushed
into the appropriate destination by the MoveClient. As of the 6-26-13 release, the gateway
configuration ‘use_clearcanvas_store_scu’ is no longer used. Instead, two store client options are
always available: the standard gateway store client using MyDICOM and the Clear Canvas store
client. They are enabled using the ‘store_clients_enabled’ gateway configuration. The default value
is ‘DG,CC’ which indicates that the gateway will use MyDICOM first for pushes, and if unsuccessful,
will attempt the push using the Clear Canvas SCU. Setting it to ‘CC,DG’ will reverse this order, and
setting it to just ‘DG’ or ‘CC’ will limit push attempts to only that store client.
The MoveClient also keeps track of which images were previously pushed to each destination and
applies destination-specific push rules defined in the gateway configuration “destination_push_
rules” to determine which images, if any, should be pushed based on the push rule defined for user
requested studies and automated requests and whether the pending push job comes before or after
the cutoff time defined for the request type. See the configuration section for a sample “destination_
push_rules” configuration in json format.
The Move Client can also be configured to send studies via the Gateway to a directory, rather than
a DICOM device.
To enable, create a destination with the following settings:
Give the destination a name with meaning to you.
Put the directory path in the aetitle field (i.e. c:\DICOMGrid\Storage)
Put anything in the address field (i.e. 100.101.102)
Put -1 in the port field.
Select the gateway you want to use.
You do not need to check the ‘This destination supports query retrieve’ or the ‘This destination
supports search check boxes.
Once the destination is configured, you can use DG’s DICOM Send function or routing rules to send
studies to the directory path defined in the aetitle field.
Echo Client
The gateway can be configured to automatically execute DICOM C-ECHO commands at regular
intervals to any DICOM destination associated with the gateway in order to verify DICOM
communication with the destination. In the event the C-ECHO fails, an alert email will be sent to any
users who have the event_node flag enabled for that namespace. Once an alert email has been
sent, no additional emails will be sent for that destination for additional C-ECHO failures until either
24 hours passes or there is a successful echo before another failed echo. Contact DICOM Grid
support for assistance with configuring this feature.