Column b - Batch Control Functions
Batch Count Direction
0 Reset to Zero (Count Up)
1 Reset to Preset (Count Down)
Hide/Show Overrun
0 Hide overrun
1 Show overrun
Batch Autorecycle
1.0-9. sec. between batches.
Autorecycle enabled
0.0 Autorecycle disabled.
Cycle Autostop
0 No autostop
1 Batch autostop at cycle setpoint. No
cycle count autoreset.
2 Batch autostop at cycle setpoint.
Cycle count autoreset
The batch control functions program column b is not in the totalizer unit. Totalizer
installers, however, may read this description to see what they’re missing. The
batch counter will count from zero up to the batch final preset if b1 is set to 0. The
batch count then shows gallons delivered. If b1 is set to 1, the batch counter resets
to the batch final preset and counts down, showing gallons remaining to be deliv-
At the end of each batch, there may be some overrun due to the flow not stopping
precisely when the batch final relay turns OFF, or due to the flowmeter being in-
stalled downstream of the valve. The batch counter wants to count the entire amount
delivered, including the overrun. If this causes mental anguish with the operator, a
value of 0 in block b2 will cause the batch counter to freeze when it reaches the batch
final setpoint.
Batch autorecycle is a feature that will not often be used. If the value of b3 is zero,
each batch must be started by the operator or by a start input. If b3 is programmed to
a time in the range of 1.0 to 9.9 seconds, the batch autorecycle feature is enabled.
This means that once the first batch has been delivered (started by normal means),
the batch counter will stop for the timeout period and then automatically reset and
start another batch, and another, and another; until the process is stopped by the
operator, or by a stop input, or when the cycle counter reaches its setpoint value. The
batch autorecycle time programmed must be greater than the rate zero time pro-
grammed in block F5.
Normally the cycle counter will be used just to count the number of batches that have
been delivered. The value of 0 in block b4 covers this function. If the batch counter
autorecycle feature is enabled in block b3, the cycle counter will stop the batch