10. GEO fence alert
Enable GEO fence alert:
SMS instruction: 211+password
Example: 2110000
SMS response: SET OK
Set GEO fence radius from current position:
SMS instruction: 005+password X
Example: 0050000 500 (500 meter)
Example: 0050000 1000 (1000 meter)
SMS response: SET OK
Note: Alert will only go to master phone number 1.
Disable GEO fence alert:
SMS instruction: 210+password
Example: 2100000
SMS response: SET OK
11. Over speed alert
Enable over speed alert:
SMS instruction: 122+password X
Example: 1220000 120
SMS response: SET OK
Note: X is the over speed value, units are KM/H. (value range [1-‐999])
Note: Alert will go to all master phone numbers.
Disable over speed alert:
SMS instruction: 122+password 0
Example: 1220000 0
SMS response: SET OK