Keysight M8132A 640 GSa/s Digital Signal Processor User’s Guide
This example program (PathwaveLoopThrough.sln) demonstrates how to
load an example Pathwave FPGA build into an M8132A Dsp using the C++
Public API.
By default, the program sets up a passthrough multiplier on channels 1
and 3; channel 1 received data is re-transmitted on channel 3, channel 3
received data is re-transmitted on channel 1.
A data transmit source is configured on channels 2 and 4, and capture is
configured on channel 2.
The multiplexer can be configured through program arguments to resize
(combine or split) packets as they pass through.
The program will verify that the expected number of packets are received.
Cabling of DSP Connectors
Connect ODI 1 to ODI 2
Connect ODI 3 to ODI 4
Setup DSP
Before starting the example program, start the M8132A Soft Front Panel
and note the HSLIP address provided for the instrument.
PathwaveLoopThrough <dsp hslip addr> <imageFpgaA.k7z>
<imageFpgaB.k7z> <optional param = value>
The data encoded in PathwaveExampleRegisters.h file will be replaced
by register meta-data from the k7z file in a release shortly.