Legrand PDU User Guide 387
Example - Power Cycling Specific Outlets
The following command power cycles these outlets: 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15 and 16.
power outlets 2,6-8,10,13-16 cycle
Actuator Control Operations
An actuator, which is connected to a dry contact signal channel of a DX sensor, can control a mechanism or
system. You can switch on or off that mechanism or system through the actuator control command in the
Perform these commands in the administrator or user mode. See
Different CLI Modes and Prompts
page 271).
Switching On an Actuator
This command syntax turns on one actuator.
control actuator <n> on
To quicken the operation, you can add the parameter "/y" to the end of the command, which confirms the
control actuator <n> on
<n> is an actuator's ID number.
The ID number is available in the Legrand PDU web interface or using the show command in the CLI. It
is an integer between 1 and 32.
If you entered the command without "/y", a message appears, prompting you to confirm the operation. Then:
to confirm the operation, OR
to abort the operation
Switching Off an Actuator
This command syntax turns off one actuator.
control actuator <n> off
To quicken the operation, you can add the parameter "/y" to the end of the command, which confirms the
control actuator <n> off
<n> is an actuator's ID number.
The ID number is available in the Legrand PDU web interface or using the show command in the CLI. It
is an integer between 1 and 32.