User Guide
DC Current per I/O
20 mA
20 mA
20 mA
20 mA
Only INT pins are supported in this core (PCINT pins are not supported).
MTDBU4: 1 additional analog pin is available by disconnecting the LED (solder jumper on rev B
and higher boards)
MTDBU664/128: 2 additional digital, 2 additional PWM, or 2 additional INT pins available with
RTC crystal removed. Note however, that the RTC crystal holes are smaller and closer together
than the header pin holes.
Special Notes
Tools>Communications menu
Currently, the Tools>Communications menu must be used to select the communications
configuration. This configuration must match the included libraries. For example, when including the
HID and Keyboard libraries, you must select an option that includes HID (ie: CDC_HID_UART).
This menu is currently needed to select the USB PID that matches the USB device configuration
(needed for Windows). This may become automatic in a future release.
Include platform specific libraries
You may need to manually include platform specific libraries such as SPI.h, Wire.h, and HID.h.
The MattairTech ArduinoCoreavr uses a more accurate baud rate for 57600 than the stock
arduino. When using the USART to communicate with another Arduino, define
New interrupt mapping
The MattairTech ArduinoCoreavr has changed interrupt pin mapping from the previous 1.0.5
release. The arduino pin number is now used with attachInterrupt() instead of the interrupt number.
See 'Pin Configurations' below.
Pin Configurations
To determine the Arduino pin number, start at the upperleft corner of the board opposite of the USB
connector. This is pin 0 (most boards have a 0 printed nearby). The numbering increases in a counter
clockwise direction around the board. Many pins have multiple configurations available. For example,
arduino pin 29 (AVR pin D0) on the MTDBU6 can be a PWM output (analogWrite), an external interrupt
input, digital I/O, or the SCL pin of I2C.
December 30, 2015