OLIMEX© 2018
A20-OLinuXino-MICRO user's manual
5. 720p60
6. 1080i50
7. 1080i60
8. 1080p24
9. 1080p50
10. 1080p60
For VGA: (note that the VGA signals are routed to custom 6 pin connector and you need to from
adapter to standard VGA connector, Olimex also sells such adapter cables)
0. 1680×1050
1. 1440×900
2. 1360×768
3. 1280×1024
4. 1024×768
5. 800×600
6. 640×480
7. 1920×1080
8. 1280×720
If you decide to edit the configurations yourself the easiest way would be to do it on the board. This
can be done offline too (manipulating the image located on the microSD card via a microSD card
reader). The tools for script.bin changing are located in /opt/sunxi-tools directory:
#cd /opt/sunxi-tools
This will convert script.bin file from sdcard to script.fex file and the file will be opened using nano
editor. Now you can change the board modules and parameters, save the changes ("CTRL"+"X";
confirm with "Y") and exit ("CTRL"+"X" again) from nano editor.
this will convert script.fex to script.bin and the script.bin file will be written to the microSD card.
Reboot the board and the new settings would be enabled.
Alternatively, you can do the changes on the microSD card off the board. You would need to
remove the microSD card and explore it in a microSD card reader. You would need to edit the
configuration file script.bin and edit the settings inside. This file is usually located in Script.bin can't
be opened in the binary format so you would need to convert it to .fex file format first. There are
ready-to-use tools that convert script.bin <-> script.fex. Note that script.bin/fex contains
configuration settings and definitions not only for the video output but also for the pin descriptions
and names; power setting and much more. If you really want to modify and customize the default
images (to change port functions, port names, to disable specific peripherals) you would need to be
able to edit the script files. Please refer to the following web page for more information:
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