Lisa LCD
As a first step, the Lisa will check if the matching fallback playlist (2.pls) is valid on the card.
Especially for bad connection the device can enter fallback many times per day. You also want to make
sure that not the same entries are being played over and over again when in fallback. The Lisa solves this
issue by playing the fallback playlist starting with a random entry.
If the fallback playlist (the playlist with the ID same as the LPS, in our case 2.pls) is not OK is not valid
on the card, the Lisa will start to play as default playlist 1.pls at random.
Playing of playlists
The files or streams contained in the playlist are played one after another (as long as
disabled). If an entry is not available, the device will continue with the next entry and so on. The same is
valid when the URL points to an internet stream: Should the connection fail, the device will try to connect
to the next resource in the list.
When the playlist is finished, the Lisa will first reload the playlist file, after which the first entry of the new
playlist is being played.
Power off
The Lisa can power down and the state of the device is then best described as 'standby'. Although the
playback of music stops and the display is switched off, several functions keep operating. In particular
the monitoring and task scheduler keep working. So, a task to power up is both executed as well as
reported through the monitoring.
Requirements for playlists
There are differences regarding the playlists that are retrieved from online resources like webservers and
playlists that are stored on the SD card in the Lisa. The requirements for each are specified separately
Playlists on the SD card
Playlist(s) on the SD card should be made following these rules:
You can have a maximum of 50 playlists with the ‘pls’ extension.
The playlists “must” be named incrementally from 1 to 50. You are not obliged to have 50 playlists, but
in case you want to have e.g. two, they must be named ‘1.pls’ and ‘2.pls’ (not 2.pls and 4.pls for
example, this would result in no playlists being recognized by the Lisa at all).
The playlist entries must be only the file names themselves (no relative/absolute file paths)
The entry name length must not exceed 50 characters (the audio file name including the file extension)
All 7-bit ASCII characters are supported, except the escaped characters ‘\n’, ‘\r’, ‘\0’, ‘\t’
There can be no more than 65535 entries per playlist