Chapter 1 -- 14
Programmer’s Guide
Compatibility with the previous version
This version is compatible with the previous version of the label
design software.
However, the labeling software includes new features and certain
processes have changed.
To ensure your program can be executed with this version,
verify your code by referring to the User’s Guide for information
on the functions that have changed.
For example, the previous version of your labeling software uses
a simple-document interface (SDI) and, the
property always refers to a document. This version is a multiple-
document interface (MDI) and there isn’t always an open docu-
ment. If you use this property, verify that there is an open docu-
ment after the server is activated.
To remain compatible with the previous version :
a document is automatically created at initialization,
method will close the current document (if one
exists), before a new document is created (The
method functions the same way).
However, if the
object is visible, the user has con-
trol of the active document management. For example, if the
user closes the active document, a new document is not auto-
matically created.
Particularity about access rights
Certain versions of the labeling software include a
module. This module controls access to certain
functions of the labeling software.
For example, if calling a function through your ActiveX interface
fails, verify your rights in the
User manager
module. An error
message is displayed and provides information about the nature
of the error (see the
Reference Guide
, Chapter 2 - 24: Error
code table).