SARA-R42 - Application note
UBX-20050829 - R02
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This document provides a wide guidance for developing applications that interface with the u-blox
SARA-R422 / SARA-R422S / SARA-R422M8S modules, including AT command sequences examples
for specific use cases. Throughout the
document, “SARA
R42” represents any of these modules.
This should be the first document to read when working on an application integrating a SARA-R42
module. Section
starts with a generic overview of the supported cellular technologies. Then, it
describes the basic application design steps to follow when integrating the SARA-R42 module
) and some details about the AT command parser (section
), which is a very important
component of the application. Next, it provides information on fundamental topics specifically related
to SARA-R42, such as local connectivity (section
), network registration
), power saving mode and eDRX (section
). As another important functionality, an
application should include is monitoring the module status and reacting to possible issues in the
correct way: details about this can be found in section
. Section
AT command for OEM production testing and its possible configurations.
Other application notes are available to delve into specific topics, they are referenced in section
Finally, a list of software changes with respect to SARA-R410M / SARA-R412M is provided in section
and can be useful when migrating an application from SARA-R410M / SARA-R412M to SARA-R42
shows a summary of the documentation available for SARA-R42.
Document name
Application integration
Application development guide app note
This document.
Start here!
FW update app note
FW update procedures (uFOTA, FOAT, FOTA,
+UFWINSTALL, EasyFlash).
Internet applications development guide
app note
Any applications relying on the IP stack (sockets,
IoT Security-as-a-Service app note
IoT-as-a-Service features (local encryption, E2E
encryption, E2E symmetric KMS, Chip-to-Chip,
Zero Touch Provisioning).
GNSS implementation app note
GNSS interface and aiding clients. Techniques
for hybrid positioning and timing indication.
LwM2M application note
Details about the LwM2M options to achieve a
few mandatory objects, extensible object and
Firmware Over The Air update (uFOTA).
AT command connect to AWS IoT core
Examples of how to use AT commands in order to
properly interact with the AWS IoT service.
Mux implementation app note
Usage of multiplexer with cellular modules.
EVK-R4 user guide
Starting guide for the SARA-R4 evaluation kit.
Reference documentation
Data sheet
Use these documents as hardware integration
and AT commands API reference.
System integration manual
AT commands manual
Product release documents
Sample Delivery Note / Information Note
Delivered with every FW release.
Table 1: SARA-R42 documentation overview
See SARA-R4 series AT commands manual
for detailed AT command descriptions.
The following symbols are used to highlight important information within this document:
An index finger points out key information pertaining to module integration and performance.
A warning symbol indicates actions that could negatively impact or damage the module.