XVME-2 12 Manual
August, 1989
Interrupts for non-intelligent modules can be enabled or disabled by setting/clearing the
Interrupt Enable bit in the module status register.
The status of pending on-board
interrupts can also be read from this register. Interrupt control for intelligent modules
handled by the Interprocessor Communications Protocol.
Communications Between Processors
Communications between an intelligent ‘master’ and an intelligent ‘slave” I/O module is
governed by XYCOM’s Interprocessor Communication (IPC) Protocol. This protocol
involves use of 20-byte Command Block data structures -- located anywhere in the shared
global RAM or dual-access RAM on an I/O module -- to exchange commands and
between a host processor and an I/O module.
To standardize its XVME I/O modules, XYCOM has designed them around “kernels’
common from module to module. Each different module type consists of a standard
kernel, combined with module-dependent application circuitry. Module standardization
results in more efficient module design and allows the implementation of the Standard I/O
Architecture. The biggest benefit of standardization for intelligent modules is that it
allows the use of a common command language or protocol (Interprocessor Communication
Protocol in this case).
The intelligent kernel is based around either a 68000 microprocessor or a 68B09
microprocessor (on the XVME-164 MBMM). This design provides the full complement of
VMEbus Requester and Interrupter options for master/slave interfacing, as well as all of
the advantages provided by the various facets of the XYCOM Standard I/O Architecture
(as covered earlier in this appendix).
The non-intelligent kernel provides the circuitry required to receive and generate all of
the signals for a VMEbus defined 16-bit ‘slave” module. The non-intelligent kernel also
employs the features of the XYCOM Standard I/O Architecture (as described earlier in
this Appendix).
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