Ack! I "did something" and now when I plug in the Itsy/
Feather, it doesn't show up as a device anymore so I cant
upload to it or fix it...
No problem! You can 'repair' a bad code upload easily. Note that this can happen if
you set a watchdog timer or sleep mode that stops USB, or any sketch that
'crashes' your board
Turn on verbose upload in the Arduino IDE preferences
Plug in Itsy or Feather 32u4/M0, it won't show up as a COM/serial port that's
Open up the Blink example (Examples->Basics->Blink)
Select the correct board in the Tools menu, e.g. Feather 32u4, Feather M0,
Itsy 32u4 or M0 (physically check your board to make sure you have the right
one selected!)
Compile it (make sure that works)
Click Upload to attempt to upload the code
The IDE will print out a bunch of COM Ports as it tries to upload. During this
time, double-click the reset button, you'll see the red pulsing LED that tells
you its now in bootloading mode
The board will show up as the Bootloader COM/Serial port
The IDE should see the bootloader COM/Serial port and upload properly
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