September 2012
% - Verify Address Register
% (No address is needed before this function. @% will return the address)
Description: This command requests the DPN10601 controller to return its internal ad-
dress number to the PC or PLC.
‘ - Index on the Fly Enabled
‘[0 or 1]
Description: This command will either enable or disable the index on the fly function. To
enable the function, use a 1. To disable the function use a 0. This command is used in
conjunction with the number of steps “N” and go slew “S” commands.
( - Output on the Fly Enabled
([0 or 1])
Description: This command will either enable or disable the output on the fly function.
To enable the function, use a 1. To disable the function use a 0. This command is used
in conjunction with the number of steps between outputs “C”, 1
output position “D”, and
number of outputs “^” commands.
+ - Clockwise
Description: This command sets the direction output to clockwise.
, - Soft Limit Input Bit
Description: This command will ramp the clocks down to base speed. The move type then
determines what will happen. In a relative or absolute type motion the DPN10601 controller
will continue to the set position and stop. In a slew type motion the DPN10601 controller
will ramp down and stop. In a home type motion the DPN10601 controller will ramp down
and run at base speed, until the home limit is activated.
- - Counter-Clockwise
Description: This command sets the direction output to counterclockwise.
. - Stop Motion
Description: This command will stop all motion. It can also be used to stop the current
program that is running.
July 2018