Supported devices 41
Lutron Grafik QS
Connecting to a Grafik QS system
Connection to a Grafik QS system is done via a QSE-CI-NWK-E interface, which allows for Ethernet and RS232 connect. For RS232
communications, set the same bit rate on the QSE-CI-NWK-E interface and on ML Gateway connection settings. Connection settings for Ethernet
are the IP address of the interface and the password. The default password is ‘nwk’.
Defining Grafik QS resources
The resources you need to define are control units and accessory controls (e.g. keypads) with which you need to interact. Each is defined by a serial
number which can be found on a label on each product, or from the control units bus status information, or by inspecting ML Gateway monitoring
Grafik QS events and commands
Events from a Grafik QS system can be lighting scene changes on control units, or key presses.
Possible commands are scene changes on control units.
Lutron HomeWorks Interactive
Connecting to a HomeWorks processor
Connections to a HomeWorks processor can be done directly on Ethernet, RS232, or indirectly with a RS232 to Ethernet interface. This last option
is only relevant for older HomeWorks generations without network interface. For Ethernet connection, make sure that the HomeWorks project has a
‘telnet user’ defined with username, password, and all permissions granted.
! For RS232, hardware flow control is recommended. Be sure to use a fully wired RS232 cable in this case.
Defining HomeWorks resources
Resources on HomeWorks are keypads (both physical and phantom keypads). Keypads are identified by processor number, link number and keypad
address. Use the monitor tool to verify keypad addresses and button numbering.
Events and commands
- Events from HomeWorks include button activity and LED activity. Usually you should only use the keyboard button press. The other options are
provided for advanced use and need special care.
- Commands to HomeWorks are keypad button presses. This is general since all buttons on HomeWorks are completely programmable.
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