Controlling the relays: switching the relay on in accordance with some executive
Restarting the module;
Reading module statuses: reading conditions of module’s power inputs and tamper
Reading ADC values: reading power voltage at the module power inputs;
Synchronization of the internal clocks of the module. Control commands can switch relays on and off as well as change-over them
with various frequencies and duty cycles (the ratio between the pulse duration and the
period). Control commands can have unlimited activation time (until the next command
has been received) or limited activation time. In the last case, after having elapsed the
activation time of a command the relay transits to an opposite condition. For example, when
the module receives a command “Switch On for a Time”, the relevant relay switches on, while
on elapsing the activation time the relay is switched off. For commands with an activation
time the time can be specified within a command (its value is programmed in the network
controller configuration) and have a value of 0 through 8192 s (2 hours 16 minutes and 32 s)
in the increment of 0.125 s. If the time is missed in the command, its value is defined by the
module’s parameter
Activation Time
(see Clause 1.4.6) for this relay and can have a value
ranged from 0 to 255 s with the increment of 1 s. A relay control command can include an Activation Delay parameter. In such
case executing the command begins only after the delay has been elapsed, while before
delay’s expiring the previously received command is active. If the Activation Delay parameter
is missed in the command or equal to zero, this command will activate the relay just after
receiving the command. The Activation Delay can have a value of 0 through 8192 s (2 hours
16 minutes and 32 s) in the increment of 0.125 s.
1.4.3 The module transmits the network controller (S2000(M) console or PC under Orion
Pro software) the following messages over the RS-485 interface:
TAMPER ALARM: The module case has just been open;
TAMPER RESTORE: The module case has just been closed;
POWER FAILED: The input power voltage is out of the normal range;
POWER RESTORE: The input power voltage has come back to the normal range;
RELAY ON/RELAY OFF: Relay is activated (by any executive program )/ inactivated;
DEVICE RESTART: Restarting the module by a command or on turning on its power;
MANUAL TEST: The self-diagnostic mode has just been activated on the module. If at the moment of generation the message there was no communication with
the network controller over the RS-485 interface, the message is stored in the module’s non-
volatile memory, being transmitted upon restoring communication along with the actual time
of its origin. The module can store up to 20 events in its non-volatile memory.
1.4.4 Various modes of module’s operation are shown by the READY indicator as
demonstrated below:
Indicator Behavior
1. Norm
2. Power failure (the input power voltage is out of the
normal range)
Short flashes every 2.5 s