Commonwealth Bank
Albert POS Integration Guide
5.1 Direct Connection to POS
There are four possible pairing scenarios between a POS and Albert.
Direct Connection to POS is the recommended approach. The other three options are technically feasible but carry
dependencies on variable factors that may be unique to each case and environment.
The easiest way to integrate a POS with Standard Albert running the Standard Payment app.
Once the connection between the POS app and POS Client is open, it can serve multiple requests, in series,
until closed.
5. Common Pairing Scenarios
POS app
The POS app resides on a separate machine and can run any technology stack such as
Windows or Linux. Connectivity is assumed to be via WiFi. Connecting via 3G would be
harder as the POS would have to allow connections from the internet.
POS Client
The POS Client is an app or service that runs on Albert that may or may not have an
interface. This is responsible for sending and receiving requests to and from the POS. It
uses the Albert SDK by Wincor to launch the CommBank Standard Payment app. This
client would also have to maintain a long running connection/socket/web socket with the
POS to allow two way communication (e.g. socket.io). As Albert doesn't allow incoming
connections, this connection needs to remain in place and needs to be initiated by Albert.
Payment app
A black box that handles all the payment processing. It is launched using the SDK and
returns a response to the calling app.
POS app
POS Client
Payment app
POS Terminal
1. Connect
2. Payment Request
5. Payment Response
4. Payment Response
3. Payment Request
Albert Terminal
POS owned and developed
CommBank owned and developed