[arm]: If present in the SMS means Arming turned on now;
[speed] (val): If present in the SMS means overspeed alarm turned on;
[shake] (val): If present in the SMS means vibration alarm turned on;
[pspt]: If present in the SMS means external power supply alarm turned on now;
[stock] : If present in the SMS means electronic fence alarm turned on now;
[relay] : If present in the SMS means the relay was cut oil and power.
[LOG]: If present in the SMS means tracking trace record function enabled now;
[mst]: Amount of the authorized phone numbers;
[ip]: IP address;
[port]: port settings;
[timezone]: timezone, date, and time.
Send "config 123456" to the device, it may reply:
mv arm spd(120) shk(2)
log relay mst 1 apn:cmnet
timez:8.0 2012-12-20 14:36:53
External power supply cut off alarm
Enable External Alarm power alarm:
Send command "pstop+[pswd]” to the device. This command is to enable the alarm if
the 12V/24V external power supply (from the battery of the vehicle) is cut off by someone. This
alarm function is disabled by default and should be enabled by user if necessary.
Example: Send command “pstop123456” to tracker device set External power supply cut off
The device will reply a response SMS “pstop: ok”.
Alarm: If this alarm function enabled, when the external power supply was illegally cut off, the
tracker device will report an alarm SMS “power cut alarm”.
Send SMS command "pstop123456" to the tracker device
Disable External Alarm power alarm:
Send command “password” to the device.
The device will reply a response SMS “nopstop: ok”.
Send SMS command "nopstop123456" to the tracker device
SOS Alarm
Long Press the SOS button of the device for 3 seconds, the tracker device will send SMS “help
me!+lat./long. to all the authorized numbers in 3 minutes interval repeatedly. The message will be
send repeatedly until any authorized number reply a SMS “no help” to the tracker device.
Send SMS command "nohlep123456" to the tracker device
APN setting for GPRS network access
The setting of APN (Access Point Name) is different from country to country. The detail
information of APN is beyond the scope of this manual. Please contact your local GPRS network
operator for more information about your local APN.
Send command "apn+pspace+space+uspace+password" to the