Section 4 – Programming Descriptions
different format, this account number will be used for all events that are not partition specific (for example, low battery, AC trouble etc.).
For partition specific events the system will use the programmed Partition Account Number. For all formats other than SIA, program a HEX
for any digit
in the account number being used.
Section [311] to [318] Partition Account Numbers
Program the Partition Account Number for each active partition (Section
for partition 1, Section
for partition 2 etc.). When using
the Automatic SIA format, these account numbers are not used. The system will use the System Account Number for all reporting events.
For all formats other than SIA, program a HEX
for any digit
in the account number being used.
Section [320] to [349] Reporting Codes
Program the reporting code for all events to be transmitted. For description of when each reporting event will be transmitted, refer to
Appendix A – Reporting Codes. The panel also supports Automatic SIA and Automatic Contact ID reporting. Program data
to disable
the reporting of an event. If any other data is programmed (Data
) the panel will automatically generate the correct reporting
event when transmitting to the central station. For all formats excluding Automatic SIA and Automatic Contact ID, the panel will not attempt
to report an event if data
or data
is programmed for the reporting code.
Section [350] Communicator Format
Program the 2-digit number for the desired Communicator Format for the First Phone Number and Second Phone Number. When dialing the
Third Phone Number, the system will use the Communicator Format programmed for Phone Number 1. Valid entries are
. Refer
to the Programming Worksheet for a list of the available Communicator Formats. Refer to the
PC1616/PC1832/PC1864 Reference Manual
for Communicator Format details.
Section [351] to [376] Communicator Call Direction Options
Reporting events are categorized into 5 groups; Alarm/Restore, Opening/Closing, Tamper Alarm/Restore, System Maintenance and Test
Transmissions. Program which Phone Number the control panel will use to transmit reporting events by turning the option
in the correct
Section. Phone Number 1 and/or Phone Number 2 can be used.
Section [377] Communicator Variables
Program a 3-digit number for each program entry:
Section [378] Test Transmission Time
Program the time the system will report a Test Transmission reporting event. Program 4 digits –
using military standard.
For a test transmission at 11:00 pm, program data
). Valid entries are
Swinger Shutdown (Alarms):
Maximum number of alarm/restoral transmissions per zone. Valid entries:
. Program data
disable shutdown.
Swinger Shutdown (Tamper):
Maximum number of tamper alarm/restoral transmissions per zone. Valid entries:
. Program data
to disable shutdown.
Swinger Shutdown (Trouble):
Maximum number of trouble alarm/restoral transmissions per trouble condition. Valid entries:
Program data
to disable shutdown.
Communicator (Transmission) Delay:
Time, in seconds, panel will delay reporting an alarm event. Valid entries:
AC Failure Communication Delay:
Time, in minutes, panel will delay reporting an AC trouble event. Valid entries:
TLM Trouble Delay:
Time, in 3 second checks, before the system will consider the phone line disconnected. Valid entries:
(e.g., 3 x10 seconds = 30 seconds).
TLM Restoral follows the same delay.
Test Transmission Cycle (Land Line):
Number of days between test transmission reporting events. Valid entries:
For Future Use
Wireless Zone Low Battery Delay:
Number of days the system will delay reporting a wireless low battery to the central station.
Valid entries:
. Program data
for no delay.
Delinquency Transmission Delay:
Number of hours (Activity Delinquency) or days (Arming Delinquency) the panel will delay before transmitting
the event to the central station. Valid entries:
Communication Cancel Window:
Time, in seconds, after an alarm has occurred that the system will report a Communication Cancel reporting event
if the system is disarmed. They keypad will beep rapidly to indicate the Communication Cancel reporting event has been communicated successfully.
Valid entries: