Elproma Elektronika Sp. z o.o.
ul. Szymanowskiego 13
05-092 Łomianki k/Warszawy
Tel. +48 (22) 751 76 80
12.1. Executing scripts
The steps required to have a script running by the Python engine of the module are
as follows:
Write the Python script
Compile the Python script (optional)
Download the (compiled) Python script into the module NVM
Enable the Python script
Execute the Python script
12.1.1. Compiling the Python script
Telit has created a new version of PythonWin 4.1 in order to reduce the compilation
time of Python scripts on module (during the development phase) and to improve other
Python features as well:
A new “compile” option has been added to the contextual menu accessible by right
clicking on the Python script. This option compiles the file and saves it on the same
directory with a *.pyo extension. Compilation results and further errors will appear in the
active window.