Elproma Elektronika Sp. z o.o.
ul. Szymanowskiego 13
05-092 Łomianki k/Warszawy
Tel. +48 (22) 751 76 80
Remember that if you chose to hide the script text, it is your responsibility to keep the
information about what is executed on the module; for example, by naming the script based
on the application and script version. In order to download the (compiled) script, you have to
choose a name for your script on the module, taking care of the following:
The extension for scripts is .py;
The maximum length allowed is 16 characters;
Script names are case sensitive (“Script.py” and “script.py” are two different scripts)
Then you have to find out the exact size of the script in bytes (or pre-compiled script,
or generic text or binary file). For example, right clicking
on the file and selecting “size” in
“properties” (attention: this is different from selecting “size on the disc”). The script in Hyper
Terminal is downloaded regardless the previous serial settings at: 115200 baud 8-N-1 and
with hardware flow control.
For example:
wait for the prompt
and use “Send Text file” with ASCII Setup: “Send line ends with line feeds” and “Append line
feeds to incoming line ends” in HyperTerminal “Properties” enabled. Wait for the result: OK
Another way to download using HyperTerminal and when PythonWin is installed, is to
disconnect and, when the prompt appears, to right click on the file and select “download”.
Reconnect after the download completes.