Integrated Technical Vision Ltd.
Press [*]. Buzzer beeps three times and LED will light up Amber. Enter old
[User code][#]. LED blinks Yellow if correct code entered. Pass new RF ID twice or
enter new [User code][#] and confirm with second new [User code][#] entry.
New code accepted if its alternation with user was allowed, old code entry was correct
and new code not equal to the any other user code or duress code in panel.
Engineer’s code changed in the same way.
User, owns code [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] and wants to change it to [4] [3] [2] [1].
Press [*] key, panel will beep three times and LED will light up Amber.
Enter old user code [1] [2] [3] [4] [5], panel will emit error sound and exit from the code
change command, switching Amber LED off.
Enter new code [4] [3] [2] [1] [#], panel will emit long sound. Panel will emit Error sound
if the same code (normal or duress) exists in panel code list. Enter new code [4] [3] [2]
[1] [#] once more, panel will sound long.
Enter [#] once more to exit code change command.
Default durations
Panel has default durations for ease of panel adjustment. These durations are “Relay
#1duration”, “Relay #2 duration” and “entry/exit duration”.
One may set default values of durations for codes
’ parameters. Changing this value
one changes corresponding parameter for all codes with durations, set to default..
Example. The value of 255 is set automatically to relay duration for each newly created
code, which means, that the default value used (factory setting 3 sec). If somebody
sets relay duration value 255 to several codes, it will mean that codes have default
relay duration. It is enough to change default relay duration to change the relay
duration for mentioned codes if necessary.
Entry/exit duration
The entry/exit duration countdown starts after relay activation. The countdown stops
after the first violation with subsequent restore of the door contact. The buzzer starts
beeping in 5 seconds before entry/exit delay exhaustion if door remains open to warn
user about this. Close the door and enter code once more to extent duration. Entry/exit
time is programmable. Allowed values are 0 to 253 seconds.
“Opened door” mode
Door position (opened or closed) not supervised if code with entry/exit duration value
254 entered until the door contact state not changed to opposite.
Keypad blocking
Panel blocks keypad and reader for programmed time if wrong code or unknown RF
ID passed tree times subsequently to prevent the code or RF ID matching. The Keypad
blocking time allowable values are 0 to 255. Zero value means, that keypad blocking
mode is off.
Panel standalone operation modes
Panel operates in several modes:
- normal day mode,
- normal night mode,
- programming,