background image

can sink or source up to 25 mA each (total sink or source current of 200 mA max for all 16).  All 
digital I/O are CMOS output and TTL input except for D13-D15, which are Schmitt trigger input. 

DB25 Pinouts: 

1:   D0   

6:   D5   

11:  +5V 

16:  GND 

21:  D11 

2:   D1   

7:   D6   

12:  +5V 

17:  GND 

22:  D12 

3:   D2   

8:   D7   

13:  +5V 

18:  D8  

23:  D13 

4:   D3   

9:   NC   

14:  GND 

19:  D9  

24:  D14 

5:   D4   

10:  +5V 

15:  GND 

20:  D10 

25:  D15   



  The input connection to the 32-bit counter is made at screw-terminal CNT.  The counter is 

incremented when it detects a falling edge followed by a rising edge, and is capable of counting 
frequencies up to at least 1 MHz. 



  These terminals are used during testing and calibration.  The CAL terminal is a 2.5 

volt reference. 



  The LabJack has a n5 volt internal power supply.  Power can be drawn from this 

power supply by connecting to the +5V screw-terminals, or the +5V pins on the DB25 connector.  
The total amount of current that can be drawn from the +5V pins, analog outputs, and digital 
outputs, is 450 mA for most desktop computers and self-powered USB hubs.  Some notebook 
computers and bus-powered hubs will limit this available current to about 50 mA. 



  The GND connections available at the screw-terminals and DB25 connector provide a 

common ground for all LabJack functions. 


LabJack Operation 

The LabJack U12 CD installs 9 example applications:  LJconfig, LJcounter, LJfg, LJlogger, 
LJscope, LJstream, LJtest, LJSHT, and LJSHTmulti.  The LabVIEW source code for most of 
these is installed in the examples directory. 
Also installed are high-level drivers (ljackuw.dll), an ActiveX interface to the high-level drivers 
(ljackuwx.ocx), and LabVIEW VIs which call all the DLL functions.  The DLL and OCX are 
installed in the Windows System directory.  If the installation program can determine the 
LabVIEW directory, it copies the LabVIEW drivers into that directory (\vi.lib\addons\) so they 
show up on the function palette.  Otherwise, the LabVIEW drivers are copied into the LabJack 
installation directory (c:\Program Files\LabJack)\drivers\labview, and can manually be 
transferred to the LabVIEW directory. 

Example Applications 



  Sets the local ID of a particular LabJack.  This is useful if multiple LabJacks are 

connected to the USB.  Every LabJack has a local ID and serial number.  The local ID is a value 
between 0 and 255 that can be changed by the user.  The serial number is a value between 256 
and 2,147,483,647.  The serial number is unique among all LabJacks and cannot be changed by 
the user. 



  Reads the LabJack counter and provides the frequency or count. 



  Outputs basic waveforms on AO0 (analog output zero). 



  Sends and receives data from all channels in command/response mode. 



  Simulates an oscilloscope by reading data from 2 AI channels in burst mode. 



  Uses stream mode to read, graph, and write to file, 4 AI channels. 



  Runs a sequence of tests on the LabJack itself.  Users will generally leave “Test Fixture 

Installed” unselected and execute the tests with nothing connected to the LabJack (except the 
USB of course). 



  Retrieves and records data from 1 or 2 EI-1050 digital temperature/humidity probes. 



  Displays data from up to 20 EI-1050 digital temperature/humidity probes.



There are 37 functions exported by the LabJack DLL., and matching functions in the OCX and 
LabVIEW VIs.  All functions are command/response except for AIBurst and 
