LPKF ProtoMat 93s Manual
EA (x,y){;}
Edge rectangle absolute
Draws a rectangle defined by two corner points lying diagonally to each other.
The first corner point is determined by the current position and the second by the
absolute coordinate (x,y).
ER (x,y){;}
Edge rectangle relative
Draws a rectangle defined by two corner points lying diagonally to each other.
The first corner point is determined by the current position and the second by the
relative coordinate (x,y).
IN {;}
Changes the control unit to the same status as after switching on. This restores all
default settings.
IW (x0,y0,x1,y1){;}
Input window
Restricts the working area on the XY axis to a window with the given corner
OH {;}
Output hard clip limits
The control unit automatically determines its maximum travel range within the limit
switches and send the coordinates determined in this way as an ASCII string in
the form ("W Xmin,Ymin,Zmin,Xmax,Ymax,Zmax<cr>") to the PC.
OS {;}
Output status
The control unit sends its status line as ASCII hex ("S xxxx <cr>") to the PC.
PA (x1,y1{,...xn,yn}){;}
Plot absolute
Draws a line from the current position to the absolute coordinates listed one after
the other. The commands PU and PD can be given between the pairs of
coordinates as parameters. If additional pairs of coordinates are sent, the
command word PA is not necessary. All pairs of coordinates without a command
word are taken to relate to the last PA or PR commands sent and are carried out