Version 1.03
Page 16
Special screens are used to enter analog values or set digital states. Generally digital states are
more easily set from the Normal screens using function keys and bit controlled text. Only the F1
and F2 keys can be programmed on special screens. F3, F4, F5, and F6 are preprogrammed for
data entry functions.
When creating a Special screen, the first screen to be displayed will be the Edit Action field
Operations can be performed on register or coil tags. (Recommend using Special screens only
for changing registers, not coils. Use the function keys of a normal screen for changing coils.)
Operation on Tag include:
Edit One Word
– Assign a value to the specified PLC register using the preprogrammed function keys.
Values are entered into the NT2S field using the enter key (F6), up arrow (F3), and left arrow (F4). When
the special screen is displayed, begin the number entry process by pressing the Enter key. The right most
digit will begin blinking. Increment to the digit to the desired value and press the left arrow to shift it over.
Increase the digits and shift them to the left until the desired number is displayed. Then press enter again to
accept the value.
Numbers are entered highest digit first. Entering the number 521, the user will enter the 5 first, shift it left,
enter the 2 next, shift it left, and then enter a 1 and press enter.
A special screen can also perform the following functions.
Unsigned Integer
- Sends a specified unsigned integer constant value to the specified tag.
HEX constant
- Sends a specified HEX constant value to the specified tag.
Binary constant
- Sends a specified Binary constant value to the specified tag.
BCD constant
- Sends a specified BCD value to the specified tag.
Add constant
- Sends a specified HEX value to the specified tag.
Subtract constant
- Sends a specified HEX value to the specified tag.
However, NORMAL screens are recommended for writing constants to memory locations, as
they are much easier to implement.