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1 PTRobot Description
1.1 Description
PTRobot is an API that allows developers to add robotic support for Primera duplicators to their own Windows
applications. PTRobot consists of several Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) that application developers can
utilize to move discs automatically (e.g. move a disc from an input bin into the recorder, etc.) and also provides
the capability to print on the CD/DVD through the Surething CD Labeler application. PTRobot provides an
easy method to create automated CD/DVD printing and/or recording applications (recording capability is not
provided in PTRobot – for recording capability developers should use the PTBurn SDK from Primera).
Currently, PTRobot provides support for the Disc Publisher II, Disc Publisher PRO, Disc Publisher XR, and
Disc Publisher XRP.
1.2 Usage
Below is PSUEDO-CODE example for how a calling application should use PTRobot to
implement robotics into its application.
At program startup:
- if the number of robots is greater than 1 then the calling application will need to
provide some logic/ui to determine which robot to use. The app can use
PTRobot_GetRobotInfo(..) to get details about each robot.
(..) or
- This will cause PTRobot to determine which drives are robotically controlled by
enumerating the drives themselves (PTRobot_EnumDrives(..)) or based off a list of drives
passed in (PTRobot_EnumDrivesWithList(..))
(..) for all drives returned
- This will allow the calling app to know which drive is which
Example a typical job:
(Robot, Drive, TRUE)
- This will load a disc into the drive from the input bin
(should set parameter 3 to TRUE if first round of the job)
- This would be called in a loop until a system error occurred or the system is idle.
…Client application will now perform operations on the disc in the drive (e.g. record on
the disc).
if the operations are successful