IAC-IMX6-Kit Linux Function and Test Manual
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At the moment, the debug UART on mainboard 1 will receive the
transmitting CAN data which sent from the mainboard 2:
Then exchange them to test, take the CAN on mainboard 2 as
receiving terminal, take the CAN on mainboard1 as transmitting terminal.
The test method is same.
Test Code:
CD/Test Code/can_test/can_test.c
Driver Code:
linux-3.0.101/drivers/net/can/ flexcan.c
The Kernel Options:
[*] Networking support --->
<*> CAN bus subsystem support --->
<*> Raw CAN Protocol (raw access with CAN-ID filtering)
<*> Broadcast Manager CAN Protocol (with content filtering)
CAN Device Drivers --->