Launch a Micrium OS Project and µC/Probe
Examples leveraging Micrium OS are side-by-side the other examples in Simplicity Studio. Try the Ethernet example and open a tool
called µC/Probe to look at some stats from the operating system.
µC/Probe is a tool that looks at the compiled image of a project to find all global variables. It enables visualization of these global varia-
bles without any additional code residing on the target. These visualizations can take many forms: text boxes, meters, sliders, etc. It's
also possible to add buttons, sliders, and other controls to directly affect the state of the global variables in the device. µC/Probe can
also give insight into the operating system on the device.
Micrium µC/Probe does not require the use of the Micrium OS kernel to observe global variables in the device.
1. In the [
], click the example named [
] in the [
Getting Started
Software Examples
] area.
2. Build and download the example by clicking the [
] button.
3. Connect the kit to an Ethernet network. The screen on the display should now list the IP address of the kit along with the number of
packets sent and recevied.
4. Go back to the [
] and click the [
Compatible Tools
] area, and select [
Micrium µC/Probe
]. Click [
5. If the symbol browser is empty, point µC/Probe to the image of the project. Click the [
] button, then find the project. On a Win-
dows machine, the file is typically located in
C:\Users\<username>\SimplicityStudio\<workspace>\<demo name>\<build> -
Debug\<project name>.axf
6. The symbol browser should now be populated. To look at the operating system information, click the [
] dropdown in the
Workspace Explorer
] and click [
Micrium OS Kernel
]. This adds a second view to µC/Probe.
7. Click the [
] button in the top-right of the µC/Probe window. In the new window that appears, select the [
Micrium OS Kernel
tab. Here you can see various statistics about the system, such as maximum stack usage across all running processes.
Utilize the Available Resources
The next section includes additional resources available for the kit, including software examples, documentation, and application notes.
QSG149: EFM32GG11-SLSTK3701A Quick-Start Guide
Getting Started
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 0.1 | 8