4. Debugging
The EFR32FG23 Dev Kit contains an on-board SEGGER J-Link Debugger that interfaces to the target EFR32FG23 using the Serial
Wire Debug (SWD) interface. The debugger allows the user to download code and debug applications running in the target
EFR32FG23. Additionally, it also provides a VCOM port to the host computer that is connected to the target device's serial port, for
general purpose communication between the running application and the host computer. The Packet Trace Interface (PTI) is also sup-
ported by the on-board debugger which offers invaluable debug information about transmitted and received packets in wireless links.
The on-board debugger is accessible through the USB Micro-B connector.
An external debugger can be used instead of the on-board debugger by connecting it to the Mini Simplicity Connector. This allows ad-
vanced debugging features as described in section
. When using an external debugger it is very important to
make sure that there is no power source present on the EFR32FG23 Dev Kit, as the external debugger might source a voltage on the
target power domain (VMCU).
When connecting an external debugger that sources voltage to the VMCU net, the USB cable and battery must be removed
from the EFR32FG23 Dev Kit. Failure to do so will create power conflicts.
The figure below shows the possible debug options.
On-board debugger
External debugger*
Conflict between debuggers
*USB and battery power sources
be removed before connecting
an external debugger that sources
voltage to the VMCU net.
Figure 4.1. EFR32FG23 Dev Kit Debugging Possibilities
UG508: EFR32FG23 Dev Kit User's Guide
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 1.1 | 14