Page 22
– Bulletin 100-50-5.1
APPENDIX J - Modbus Memory Map
Read Coils (0x01)
0. Manual Valve Enabled Flag
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
1. Manual Valve Duration Enabled Flag
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
2. Stepper Timeout Override Enable
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Read Holding
Register (0x03)
0. Superheat Setpoint
5 to 45°F
(2.7 to 25.0°C)
1. Refrigerant Type
0 = R-22
1 = R-134A
2 = R-402A
3 = R-404A
4 = R-407A
5 = R-407C
6 = R-410A
7 = R-417A
8 = R-422A
9 = R-422D
10 = R-507A
11 = R-744
12 = R-245FA
13 = R-E5
14 = R-438A
15 = R-401B
16 = R-408A
17 = R-508A
18 = R-508B
19 = R-407F
20 = R-434A
21 = R-444B
22 = R-448A
23 = R-450A
24 = R-449A
25 = R-452A
26 = R-513A
27 = R-DR2 (R-1336MZZ)
28 = R-32
29 = R-452B
30 = R-1234ZE
31 = R-124
32 = R-458A
33 = R-453A
2. Delay On Relay
0 to 60 seconds
3. Delay Off Relay
0 to 60 seconds
4. Delay Steps
0 to 100% open
5. Low Operating Pressure
0 to 150 psi (0 to 13.34 Bar)
6. Maximum Operating Pressure
0 to 150 psi (0 to 13.34 Bar)
7. Temperature Cut-in
-60 to 125°F (-51 to 51.7°C)
8. Temperature Cut-out
-60 to 125°F (-51 to 51.7°C)
9. Valve Maximum
0 to 100%
10. Supermarket Mode
1=On, 0=Off
11. Proportional Coefficient
0 to 18 if Supermarket Mode is On
0 to 50 if Supermarket Mode is Off
12. Integral Coefficient
0 to 24 if Supermarket Mode is On
0 to 100 if Supermarket Mode is Off
13. Derivative Coefficient
0 to 4 if Supermarket Mode is On
0 to 50 if Supermarket Mode is Off
14. Valve Type
0 = 1596
1 = 3193
2 = 2500
3 = 6386
4 = 500
15. Manual Valve Position
0 to 100.0% Open
16. Network Address
1 to 255
17. Pressure Units
0 = PSI
1 = BAR
18. Temperature Units
0 = FAHR
1 = CELS
19. Pressure Sensor Type
0 = ABSL
1 = GauG